Belizean Pedicure

Belizean Pedicure

Disguised as chaotic debauchery, a disquieting creation story unfolds. The multi-layered story is a quirky blend of historical fiction, travel, and sci-fi, lightly seasoned with a pinch of religion and a splash of politics. Think if Carl Hiaasen, Dean Koontz, and Dan Brown books managed an illicit affair among the lonely stacks and their collective DNA produced an offspring. Belizean Pedicure would be that adorable, marginally misshapen, love child.

Caution: This is a politically incorrect story chock full of heretical ideas (including personal responsibility) and unlikely conspirators and is not for snowflakes in need of safe places to avoid exposure to alternative concepts. The salty characters curse a lot and egads…the author writes from a conservative perspective.

An ethereal vagrant challenges Zeke's tenuous grasp on reality, hurling him down a hilarious dark path of self-discovery. Belizean Pedicure delightfully perverts many real-world events, historical figures, and locations. A work of fiction only by the grace of God and a two-drink minimum. The book features well-developed, quirky characters that manage to find each and every pothole on their journey.

During a visit to Belize for Zeke’s sister’s wedding, Zeke meets a couple of hard-partying little people. Lubricated with copious amounts of alcohol, the pair reveal they are code writers for Sony, developing a cutting edge, augmented-reality based, video game. The universe building game, The Garden of Eve, utilizes inputs from the user’s social networks, mobile apps, and favorite websites to influence the outcome. The game’s outcomes are unique to each user, creating infinite parallel universes. Zeke comes to recognize the similarity of the game with his own confusing reality. This revelation consequently leads Zeke to question the nature of his own creation.

Enjoy the Read. Available on Kindle for $1.99.