The Bin

A government conspiracy to silence a whistleblower triggers a bizarre series of events featuring peculiar bedfellows in The Bin. After an apparent suicide attempt, an enigmatic big pharma accountant is committed to a corrupt mental health facility. There he meets a meek transgender woman, a self-proclaimed Nubian queen, a feral psychopath and a differently abled troubled genius. The Looney Bin crew team up with a One-Percenter Bike Club, a well-heeled lawyer, and pirates, making a quirky combination of frenemies to spring the accountant from the Looney Bin and keep him alive.

The Bin is a dark comedy exposing corruption and patient exploitation in the for-profit industrial medical complex. The Bin is humorous and thought provoking while simultaneously dark, including scenes of suicide and mental illness. It is not be suitable for a young audience. Enjoy!